“When your body is in pain, s/he conveys a message. I use my hands to help you to understand this message.”

a physiotherapist using her hands to help patients to restore a healthy body, leaving her clinic happy and free.

Reg PT HK & UK

Cert Visceral Manipulation Practitioner (CVMP)

Why PAIN persists ?

You have pain over your body, and you sought treatment from physiotherapists, bonesetters, chiropractors, they all pointed to you the problem lied on some levels of the joints or structures nearby, yet their serial treatment only resulted in temporary relief, it bounced back in a few days.


Have you ever thought about how they found out the root cause of your problem? Or did they treat you only based on symptoms and some unreliable test results? 


How can Visceral Manipulation address my root problem ?

The uniqueness about Visceral Manipulation (VM) is that therapists use hands to find out the root cause of a problem of the body - this is called Listening, according to Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral. In Barral Institute, therapists are trained to be able to feel where the tension of the body lies when their hands are gently touching the body. An analogy could be a tablecloth on a table. If one side of the cloth is being pulled by someone, when you place your hand on the centre of the cloth, you should feel where this pull come from. If you are sensitive enough, you should feel this pull regardless of the position your hand is on the tablecloth. 

內臟手法治療(VM)的獨特之處,就是治療師以 Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral 發展出來的一套 “聆聽手法” ,去找出身體根源性問題。除了我們知道的骨骼、肌肉、內臟,身體還有很多層我們不知道有多重要的筋膜。治療師在 Barral Institute 上的課程,會被訓練到輕觸身體表面就能感受到身體的張力問題的地方。這可比喻為閉上眼睛用手放在一張有枱布的枱面,有人拉著枱布的一端,你雙手是會感受到枱布的拉扯力來自那一個方向。

Want to know my path? Here you go.

Why PAIN persists ?

You have pain over your body, and you sought treatment from physiotherapists, bonesetters, chiropractors, they all pointed to you the problem lied on some levels of the joints or structures nearby, yet their serial treatment only resulted in temporary relief, it bounced back in a few days.


Have you ever thought about how they found out the root cause of your problem? Or did they treat you only based on symptoms and some unreliable test results? 


How can Visceral Manipulation address my root problem ?

The uniqueness about Visceral Manipulation (VM) is that therapists use hands to find out the root cause of a problem of the body - this is called Listening, according to Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral. In Barral Institute, therapists are trained to be able to feel where the tension of the body lies when their hands are gently touching the body. An analogy could be a tablecloth on a table. If one side of the cloth is being pulled by someone, when you place your hand on the centre of the cloth, you should feel where this pull come from. If you are sensitive enough, you should feel this pull regardless of the position your hand is on the tablecloth. 

內臟手法治療(VM)的獨特之處,就是治療師以 Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral 發展出來的一套 “聆聽手法” ,去找出身體根源性問題。除了我們知道的骨骼、肌肉、內臟,身體還有很多層我們不知道有多重要的筋膜。治療師在 Barral Institute 上的課程,會被訓練到輕觸身體表面就能感受到身體的張力問題的地方。這可比喻為閉上眼睛用手放在一張有枱布的枱面,有人拉著枱布的一端,你雙手是會感受到枱布的拉扯力來自那一個方向。

Want to know my path? Here you go.

Why PAIN persists ?

You have pain over your body, and you sought treatment from physiotherapists, bonesetters, chiropractors, they all pointed to you the problem lied on some levels of the joints or structures nearby, yet their serial treatment only resulted in temporary relief, it bounced back in a few days.


Have you ever thought about how they found out the root cause of your problem? Or did they treat you only based on symptoms and some unreliable test results? 


How can Visceral Manipulation address my root problem ?

The uniqueness about Visceral Manipulation (VM) is that therapists use hands to find out the root cause of a problem of the body - this is called Listening, according to Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral. In Barral Institute, therapists are trained to be able to feel where the tension of the body lies when their hands are gently touching the body. An analogy could be a tablecloth on a table. If one side of the cloth is being pulled by someone, when you place your hand on the centre of the cloth, you should feel where this pull come from. If you are sensitive enough, you should feel this pull regardless of the position your hand is on the tablecloth. 

內臟手法治療(VM)的獨特之處,就是治療師以 Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral 發展出來的一套 “聆聽手法” ,去找出身體根源性問題。除了我們知道的骨骼、肌肉、內臟,身體還有很多層我們不知道有多重要的筋膜。治療師在 Barral Institute 上的課程,會被訓練到輕觸身體表面就能感受到身體的張力問題的地方。這可比喻為閉上眼睛用手放在一張有枱布的枱面,有人拉著枱布的一端,你雙手是會感受到枱布的拉扯力來自那一個方向。

Want to know my path? Here you go.

Why PAIN persists ?

You have pain over your body, and you sought treatment from physiotherapists, bonesetters, chiropractors, they all pointed to you the problem lied on some levels of the joints or structures nearby, yet their serial treatment only resulted in temporary relief, it bounced back in a few days.


Have you ever thought about how they found out the root cause of your problem? Or did they treat you only based on symptoms and some unreliable test results? 


How can Visceral Manipulation address my root problem ?

The uniqueness about Visceral Manipulation (VM) is that therapists use hands to find out the root cause of a problem of the body - this is called Listening, according to Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral. In Barral Institute, therapists are trained to be able to feel where the tension of the body lies when their hands are gently touching the body. An analogy could be a tablecloth on a table. If one side of the cloth is being pulled by someone, when you place your hand on the centre of the cloth, you should feel where this pull come from. If you are sensitive enough, you should feel this pull regardless of the position your hand is on the tablecloth. 

內臟手法治療(VM)的獨特之處,就是治療師以 Dr. Jean-Pierre Barral 發展出來的一套 “聆聽手法” ,去找出身體根源性問題。除了我們知道的骨骼、肌肉、內臟,身體還有很多層我們不知道有多重要的筋膜。治療師在 Barral Institute 上的課程,會被訓練到輕觸身體表面就能感受到身體的張力問題的地方。這可比喻為閉上眼睛用手放在一張有枱布的枱面,有人拉著枱布的一端,你雙手是會感受到枱布的拉扯力來自那一個方向。

Want to know my path? Here you go.


It is NOT only about internal organs…

Barral Institute has now 4 main branches of curriculum to equip practitioners to be able to help their patients in different aspects, all the techniques require Listening & precise yet gentle engagement of soft tissues with therapist’s hands, the 4 branches include:

Visceral Manipulation : for restoring / optimising mobility & motility of internal organs by releasing abnormal tension of the organs & its connective tissues. the highest levels of VM comprises techniques on treating organs for emotional health

Neural Manipulation : for restoring nervous system, including cranial membranes, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, neural plexuses to a healthy state & the nerves be able to glide smoothly with its nearby structures during functional body movement

New Manual Articular Approach : by releasing tension / adhesion of all connective tissues / structures of the joints, symptoms be resolved & proper biomechanics of the joints be resumed

Vascular Manipulation : by releasing tension / adhesion found on arteries, the blood circulation be improved & this also creates positive effects on veins, & lymphs

Apart from these 4 branches, Jean-Pierre Barral has been developing advanced VM courses for e.g. neuro-endocrine system, digestive system, spinal discs & brain, all these assist the students to be more capable of helping patients.

What conditions can benefit from VM treatment?

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Digestive system

Gastro-esophageal regurgitation disorder (GERD), hiatal hernia, gastric ptosis, acid reflux

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, SIBO, constipation, bloating, poor digestion

Visceral-related referred pain

Jean-Pierre Barral demonstrated a technique on cervical spinal nerves during MASP class

Jean-Pierre Barral demonstrated a technique on cervical spinal nerves during MASP class

Musculoskeletal & Nervous system

Chronic & acute pain on neck, back, sacral-iliac joint (SIJ), and peripheral joints issues

Visceral-related referred pain, herpes zosters

Sciatica, brachial plexus lesions, carpal tunnel syndrome, Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), neuropathy, Trigeminal nerve issues, Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ) issues, migraine, tension headache, Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA)

Jean-Pierre Barral demonstrated a technique on uterus during Fascial Crossroads, Oct 2017

Jean-Pierre Barral demonstrated a technique on uterus during Fascial Crossroads, Oct 2017

Urinary & Genital organs

Endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, infertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), post-menopausal issues, pelvic pain, urinary incontinence


Apart from the above conditions, VM is also capable of helping emotional conditions e.g. depression, insomnia, and organ-related conditions e.g. kidney ptosis / fixation, shortness of breath, and scar tissue related conditions, post-operative abdominal scar adhesion/tension.

Visceral Manipulation - treating you from the root cause

內臟手法治療 - 從根源醫治

Why is it more common to have root causes in internal organs but not musculoskeletal system despite symptoms being there? Yes, the primary problem can be on the musculoskeletal system, yet, the body has a hierarchy on what structures protect other structures. Dr. Jean-Pierre always likes to say “the body hugs the lesion”, which means whenever there is a problem on the body, it is vulnerable and it needs protection. Once a structure gets sick, the brain will send signals, asking the nearby peripheral structures to protect that structure, eg. if you have constipation leading to poorer movement of large intestine, the hip joint nearby that part of the large intestine can be tight - the tight hip joint and nearby musculature helps protecting eg. the cecum (right) or sigmoid colon (left) so as to prevent it from further problems. Sacrificing the hip range of motion does not result in any life threatening condition, but ligaments of large intestine being torn while keeping a free hip joint could be disastrous. Of course, the hip problem, with time, would be annoying and affects your life more and more, but it is still less life threatening than problem from a torn ligament of large intestine. 

為什麼筋骨肌肉出現問題,其根源多出現於內臟而較少於肌肉/骨頭/關節本身?根源問題可以是來自肌肉骨骼系統,然而,身體有一個排序,決定那些結構保護其他身體部位。Dr. Jean-Pierre 常常說:『身體擁護受傷部位』,意指當身體有地方出現問題,它會變得脆弱並需要保護。當一個結構有病況時,大腦會指揮週邊的結構組織去保護受傷結構;舉例說:假設你因便秘引致大腸活動不佳,其附近的髖關節便有機會變得彊硬 -崩緊的髖關節及大腿四頭肌或腰大肌等會一起變得緊張,用以保護有問題的大腸(例:右邊可以是結腸,左邊可以是乙狀結腸),以預防大腸更多問題。就此例子,身體犧牲髖關節活動並不構成危害生命的危險,但大腸週邊的組織如韌帶撕裂卻會引致更嚴重的後果。當然,髖關節活動問題會隨時間變得明顯並影響日常生活,但程度遠遠不及大腸韌帶撕裂來得困擾。

That’s the reason why the root cause of a symptom, could rarely be due to musculoskeletal system.  There are conditions eg. Direct blow of the muscle or fracture, then the root cause could be from peripheral. The assessment technique of VM is to trace the root cause, and by treating the root cause, which is more likely from visceral system, to improve many musculoskeletal symptoms.



In Advanced Visceral Manipulation course on NeuroEndocrine system (AVMHC) in Rome, Italy, with

Jean-Pierre Barral (D.O., MRO(F), RPT), founder of Barral Institute) &

Roberto Bonanzinga (D.O., MROI, BI-D), founder of Barral Institute Italia

“It is better to follow the tissues for they are better guides than our own reasoning”

“Feel First, Think Later”

By Jean-Pierre Barral


Jean-Pierre Barral demonstrated a technique on releasing visceral sheath on neck during Advanced VM course on Viscero-Osteo-Articular relationships in Aimargues, France, in Sep 2018.