Ivy Mok Ivy Mok

How are you with you Moon Cycles?


提早更年期? 經期紊亂? 


病人乙:女/40頭,11月初來求診, 之前14個月沒有來經,婦科醫生的驗血報告顯示卵巢失去功能,9日後來經。





「內臟手法治療」(Visceral Manipulation, VM)透過改善身體器官的活動能力和器官自身的活力,去改善功能性失調的問題。妳知不知道妳的子宮 有4條韌帶,卵巢有3條韌帶,還未考慮她們週圍的其他器官和組織,縱使有一條韌帶有過分張力,或下層腹膜及小腸與子宮有黏連,子宮及卵巢都不能夠維持正常活動。我還想跟進下去,希望病人不用再覆診,月事也能繼續正常。


How you spend your life determines how your health would be…..We see now so common for women to have early Menopause, Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, etc….Let me share some case conditions with you:

Patient A:F/24, treatment received in Sep, no regular period for 5 months with scanty flow in between, headache, period resumed normal post-treatment 3 weeks. 

Patient B:F/ Early 40s, treatment received in early Nov, no period for 14 months, blood test from gynecologist confirmed no function from ovaries. Period resumed 9 days post-treatment. 

Patient C:F/40s, treatment received in mid-Nov, last period was around summer, period resumed post-treatment 2 weeks. 

Patient D:F/ Early 40s, treatment received in mid-Nov, irregular period since early 2020, gynecologist suggested early menopause, no period in the past 3 months, period resumed 9 days post-treatment. 

Patient E:F/27, treatment x 2 in Sep, severe migraine during period, no more migraine after 2 treatment sessions. 

Same physical problem with similar symptoms, yet there were actually different root causes on individual patient. Psychological health can be of great influence to menstruation issues, and your mental/emotional issues manifest as physical problems on the body is not something impossible. Western specialist’s diagnoses seem to scare patients by giving a limitation to the potential recovery of the patient. To me, western medical diagnoses is more a report of the patient’s physical condition during the time of consultation/investigation, but not entirely a confirmation of certain diseases that can’t be improved. 

Visceral Manipulation (VM) improved dysfunctional conditions of the body through improving and optimizing the mobility and motility of related internal organs. Do you know the anatomy of your uterus and ovaries and its relationship with nearby structures? Any one of the ligaments being in tension, and the organs cannot move in its optimal position, with time, dysfunctions occur. Hopefully my patients can be in good health without coming back again, but I still have many cases I am not able to help fully and hence this study journey is endless, yet very enjoyable.

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