The quest for true health
Neural Manipulation 4 in HK, Nov 2016
The Start
Being a physiotherapist since 2002, Ivy worked as a medical case manager, handling work injury cases. From that, she realized conventional medical system, which catered a patient with different specialties based on symptoms, got many patients’ problems unanswered. She then started to explore different schools of manual therapies. Nothing caught her attention to keep learning ceaselessly until she met Dr. Roberto Bonanzinga (DO), senior instructor of Barral Institute, director of Barral Institute Italia) in 2011 and learnt Visceral Manipulation (VM) from him.
Ivy 由 2002 年開始成為執業物理治療師,由處理工傷的工作,她體會到很多病人在傳統醫療體制(以分科系統診治病人)下解決不到問題,從而她開始涉獵不同手法治療。直至她接觸 “內臟手法治療“並遇上恩師 Dr. Roberto Bonanzinga (DO, Barral Institute Italia 總監, BI資深老師),展開她在學習內臟手法治療 (VM)的旅程。
Fascial Crossroads Congress in Rome, Oct 2017
The Journey
Ivy started studying VM offered by Barral Institute in 2011. From 2016 onward, Ivy travelled overseas to learn from Dr. Jean Pierre Barral. In 2018, she moved to Italy for around a year to learn intensively from Dr. Roberto Bonanzinga. In 2023, Ivy completed the certification examination under the guidance of Dr. Roberto, and she became Certified Visceral Techniques Practitioner (CVTP) (It was suspended due to pandemic). She is currently an official teacher assistant of BI from VM1 to 5, and Listening Technique 1.
Ivy 自 2011 年開始學習由 BI 舉辦的 VM 至今,由 2016 年開始,她到海外跟隨 VM 學校創辦人 Dr. Jean Pierre Barral;她 2018 年留在意大利近一年,跟隨 Dr. Roberto Bonanzinga 深造,並在他教導下,在2023年取得證書,成為學校認證的治療師(CVTP)。他亦是 BI 認可的 VM1 至5 及聆聽課程1 的助教。
The Integration
Apart from therapy-related study, Ivy is also a devoted student of yoga who has learnt yoga since 2007. Instead of receiving treatment passively, Ivy’s patients are guided to thrive on health by engaging proper exercise, breath work, positive thinking and dietary modification. She serves her patients to regain health and vitality by transforming their various aspects in life holistically.
除了治療學習, Ivy 也醉心於學習瑜伽,她自 2007 年開始練習瑜伽;她的病人並非只是被動地接受治療,而是透過練習適當運動,呼吸調息,正念思考及飲食調節來保持健康。Ivy 以整全角度及多方面生活習慣改變,去協助病人重獲健康及活力。