I recently consulted Ms. Ivy Mok due to a serious back and neck injury that had caused persistent pain and finger numbness.
From the very first session, Ivy demonstrated an incredible ability to understand and diagnose the root cause of my problem with precision and care.
What stood out most about Ivy was her holistic approach to treatment. Not only did she address my immediate pain with effective techniques, but she also provided invaluable advice on how to prevent similar issues in the future. Her thorough explanations and tailored recommendations gave me a clear understanding of how to care for my body better in the long term.
Through Ivy’s treatment, I experienced a full recovery from what had been a debilitating injury. Her expertise, professionalism, and compassionate care made all the difference in my healing journey. I am now pain-free and able to return to my normal activities without any lingering discomfort or numbness.
I highly recommend Ivy Mok to anyone seeking effective, thoughtful, and results-driven care. She is truly exceptional at what she does, and I am deeply grateful for her role in my recovery.
— Johnny Ho, a Lawyer in Hong Kong
經過5個月既傳統物理治療,情況沒有改善,仲嚴重左。之後同家人商量下,決定去試我表弟介紹的內臟手法治療(VM),因而認識到 Ivy,我去治療之前同朋友同事講去試VM。佢地問「咩黎架?信唔信得過架?會唔會係呃人架?」我回答「只要有一絲希望,就點都要去試下。」
— Carmen Tong :: 文職
“I am really happy to reconnect my feet by Ivy’s magic hands!”
“I have been living with my pain for all these years because of my multi-scoliosis, where I had been in search of healers / doctors / chiropractors/ acupuncturists / physiotherapists to cease my pain from clinics to clinics to hospitals. The above methods / checked up only helped me to cease my pain temporarily but it did not address the root cause of my pain....
In June, 2020, my body collapsed because of the chronic pain. I was devastated to find ways to stop the pain that drove me nuts, the methods that used to help me to cease my pain temporarily did not work on me anymore, until I met Ivy. She explained clearly the cause of my pain in the first treatment session, and my body recovered in a few sessions.
The moment I felt Ivy took away my pain was the moment that I was able to reconnect my body deeply, where she allowed me to learn to listen to my body and understand my body through her professional knowledge in VM.
I am thankful to meet her to understand what is the right way to recover my body.
I would highly recommend Ivy to those who encounters unresolved pain. Save your time and give it a try with her ”hands”. She could “listen” to your body deeply.”
— Jackie Wong :: Reinventer
「十多年教練的生涯,我從沒停止過增進運動技巧的追求,慢慢我發現運動的價值遠不只瘦身減肥,還可以作治療用途,重啟身體很多不同的功能。雖然經歷多年實證的經驗後,可以處理的問題越來越多,但總發現無論在自己或學生身上,都有一些問題或痛症處理進度會特別慢或比較反復,很難真正根治它。經朋友介紹後認識了 Ivy,當時並不完全認知 VM 實際是什麼,或怎麼操作?
在第一次治療時,起初的感覺很神奇,因為 Ivy 檢查身體的方式是用手放在頭頂,這是我從來沒見過的。之後,我的信心越來越大,因為 Ivy在瞭解我的問題之後,她會在身體其他部位尋找問題的主因,與其他頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳的治療方式很不一樣,這與我的價值觀不謀而合,經驗告訴我知,身體出現問題的地方只是一個信號,要找到問題根源,才能真正根治問題。
雖然 Ivy 用的是比較輕的手法,但每次治療後都會明顯感覺到身體在重新適應一種運作模式;而重點是,只需要兩、三次治療,患處已經明顯有很大改善,比以往試過的治療方式更快及有更大的效果。
由於工作關係,我一直都會嘗試很多不同的療法,亦認識很多不同界別的治療師,但現在我若發覺自己或我的學生有些問題運動上處理不到,我基本上只會推薦給 Ivy,而每次 Ivy 均能在短時間內將問題處理掉!
希望會有更加多人透過 Ivy 認識這套手法治療,得到更真切的幫助,令身體更健康!」
— Mike Lau :: Private personal trainer, teacher for training personal instructors
「她的雙手是我的止痛藥 。」
「在 2019 年 1月,在 facebook 看到 VM 的介紹,其實當時是看不明是什麼?但因為換腎後,新腎的位置和子宮和大腸都互相壓住,每月都有幾天痛到無辦法做任何事。在最痛時看到這介紹,決定一試,因為不想再食止痛藥。
Ivy 每次都會細心解釋問題在那,前因後果。
另一次難忘的治療體驗,是有一次 Ivy 摸到我甲狀腺有問題,請我找醫生檢查,結果提早發現甲狀腺結節。這及時的發現,讓我得到適切的醫治。
每次做完 VM 療程,我都可以深呼吸,整個人像度假完一樣舒服。」
To Ivy
Thanks with love
— Carol Yip :: 愛天竺鼠,愛禪繞畫的人
“She gives me diverse and useful information for learning more about my own disease and encourage me to maintain better health!”
“I am a patient of Crohn’s Disease with some unresolved discomfort over my left abdomen for years. Hopefully I met Ivy who helped me using VM in alleviating the symptoms. She is really warm and sweet, who always supports me and gives me diverse and useful information for learning more about my own disease and encourage me to maintain better health!”
— Rosa Chi :: Kindergarten Teacher
好榮幸成為 Ivy 病人之一和能夠在她網頁裏分享治療成效。
其實得知 Ivy 是一位物理治療師很久了,朋友一直推介她的內臟手法治療(VM),我當時沒有太留意和理解,更沒法想像我的內臟是需要去調整,所以一直都沒有去遇上她的治療。
直到一次,我得到一個怪病,每次進食後就痛到要生要死般,整個人不能伸直,痛到卷曲成一團,不能郁動。我去照任何 X-ray 、腸胃鏡等等,都沒得到結論。
後來我得知這病是食道裂孔疝氣(hiatal hernia),我每次吃東西就很痛,那種痛不單是肚痛,是神經痛!使我不能進食。我找了些資料,發現食道跟迷走神經(Vagus nerve)好接近,我就找了 Ivy 做治療!
每次治療完,我身體內外張力都會重新被啟動,亦會不斷自動調整,而且治療效果非常持久,經過兩三次 Ivy 調整,很快就解決根源問題。
如不是遇上 VM 這頂級治療手法,我跟本不會知道,身體裡面打結,是可以影響那麼多問題,或是身體出現一些狀況時,其實根源問題大多是內臟筋膜導致。
現在如我身體有任何大小狀況,都交給Ivy 幫我去打理,甚至在沒有發生問題之前,我都會找她幫我預測一下。」
— Poyi Chung :: Yoga teacher
“Ivy will treat issues before you are even aware of them. She really knows her things!”
“All of the serial treatments I was lucky enough to receive from Ivy were sustainably efficient and far beyond expectations. I encourage everyone to seize the chance to be treated by her, the earlier, the better.
No matter if you are aware of actual physical problems or not. At best the treatment is just a confirmation of your perfect health but more likely, is that Ivy will treat issues before you are even aware of them. She really knows her things!”
— Adrian :: Entrepreneur
“It is a complete mystery to me how such gentle, kind movement and manipulation can have such a big impact on my body.”
I have been suffering from chronic back and neck pain for more than 10 years. This, along with the multiple surgeries I’ve had to help it have left me with many imbalances in my body along with scar tissue and nerve pain.
Ivy was recommended to me by a friend and I’m extremely glad that I took up the recommendation!
I want to start by saying that I think Ivy is an absolute magician. It is a complete mystery to me how such gentle, kind movement and manipulation can have such a big impact on my body. I’ve experienced many different massage and therapy modalities over the years (some of which have done me good and some not so much), and Ivy’s warm, magic hands are truly some of the best.
I generally leave a session with Ivy feeling lighter and much more at ease with my body than I do at any other time. It definitely lifts my spirits - I walk out feeling as if I’m being healed mind and body. I have great hope that Ivy’s skill, along with physiotherapy and a dedicated exercise programme will bring me to a place where I’m able to live a “normal” and full life where pain is no longer a constant.
— Penny Fosker :: Planet-happy gift designer